Healthgrades // Better Survey Confirmation

Across Healthgrades hospital clients, there is a battle to control the entry point of the health system in order to capture new patients and funnel referrals. Patient behavior is a key driver of this shift with clients. Rather than going to a primary care doctor progressively, more patients are having first appointments in retail care outlets, including standalone EDs, urgent cares and CVS/Walgreens.
To take advantage of this trend, clients have established partnerships with these outlets to build volume and extend their care network. The structure of these health system and primary care partnerships vary greatly, but these retail partnerships are generating demand for a Healthgrades referral information tool whose requirements make up this document.
This project required research into what our competitors were doing, if at all, and utilize existing internal products to create a very specific tool for Hospitals to use. I had to research then generate vital visuals and specs for this vision to gain traction.
DATE: 12/18/2014
CLIENT: Healthgrades